3月2日 ,廣東省推進粵港澳大灣區建設新聞發布會在廣州市舉行 。廣東即將印發推進粵港澳大灣區建設“施工圖”和“任務書” ,涉及66項重點工作任務 、100條舉措 !
根據省委 、省政府部署 ,省大灣區辦牽頭組織起草了《中共廣東省委 廣東省人民政府關於貫徹落實〈粵港澳大灣區發展規劃綱要〉的實施意見》(簡稱《實施意見》) 、《廣東省推進粵港澳大灣區建設三年行動計劃(2018-2020年)》(簡稱《三年行動計劃》)等配套文件 ,形成了我省推進大灣區建設的“施工圖”和“任務書” 。
現在 ,讓我們從這部三分鍾雙語宣傳片 ,一起走進熱火朝天的粵港澳大灣區 。
在經濟全球化的背景下 ,灣區已經成為全球經濟活動最為活躍的區域 。
Set against a backdrop of economic globalization, so called ‘bay areas’ are among those most economically active in the world.
目前 ,全球70%的工業資本和人口集中在灣區 。
At present, 70% of global industrial capital and workforce are located in these areas.
2019年2月18日 ,《粵港澳大灣區發展規劃綱要》正式公開發布 。一個富有活力和國際競爭力的一流灣區和世界級城市群將在不懈奮鬥中一步步化為現實。
The Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hongkong-Macao Greater Bay Area was officially unveiled on February 18th 2019, spelling out how a dynamic and internationally competitive bay area and city cluster will be established step by step with relentless efforts.
“超級工程”港珠澳大橋跨越伶仃洋 ,踏浪而來 。深中通道建設提速 ,虎門二橋飛渡珠江口 ,大灣區正在進入一小時生活圈……經濟要素在加速流動中激發創新動能 。
Guangdong, Hongkong and Macao are right on each other’s doorstep. The huge Hongkong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge now spans the Lingding Estuary and has opened to traffic; the Shenzhen-Zhongshan highway and second Humen Bridge are now under construction, all of which are vital components in establishing a ‘one hour living circle’ in the Greater Bay Area. Economic development is increasingly proving a powerful catalyst for innovation in this area.
這裏 ,全球每四部智能手機就有一部產自東莞 ;這裏 ,數以萬計的創新企業匯聚廣州深圳 ;這裏 ,還擁有深交所與港交所兩大證券交易所……現代化經濟體係在大灣區逐漸成型 。
Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao are strongly interlinked economically. One in every four smart phoness in the world is made in Dongguan; creative industries are beginning to boom in Guangzhou and Shenzhen; the area also has two of China’s stock exchanges, namely the Hong Kong and Shenzhen Stock Exchange. A modern economic system has truly begun to take shape in the bay area.
這片5.6萬平方公裏的山海之地 ,正成為三地青年的創業熱土 。羅偉特 、梁立鋒 、譚慧敏是三位香港90後 ,這個位於廣東省江門市的魚菜共生試驗基地 ,是他們的創業項目 。該項目獲得1200萬港元投資 ,正在加快建設 。
Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao presently enjoy a flow of talent and capital. The 56,000-square-kilometer Greater Bay Area has become a hot spot for young people to start up their business. Victor Lo, Fung Leung and Mandy Tam from Hong Kong are part of this post-90s generation and their startup project an aquaponic eco farm pilot scheme is based in Jiangmen. This project gained 12 million HKD in investment and is now enjoying accelerated construction.
粵港澳大灣區正在釋放開放力量 ,昂首邁進新時代 ,為實現中華民族偉大複興的中國夢 ,高唱凱歌 ,砥礪前行 !
The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has new zeal for opening up, and embracing a new era with pride, setting a steady course for the realisation of the Chinese Dream of great national rejuvenation.
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